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Soundtrack - Freddy Vs Jason - How Can I Live Soundtrack - Out Of My Way - Seether


Artist: Soundtrack - Freddy Vs Jason - How Can I Live Soundtrack
Album: Freddy Vs Jason
Title: Out Of My Way - Seether

Out of my way!
Out of my... way!

I can't pass up this opportunity
To make myself observed
I can't pass up this opportunity
To let myself be heard

Would you... like to... be the one who sees me lose this all?
Would you... like to... be the one who sees me FALL?!

Nobody's gonna stand in my way
Give it up son, I'm doing this my way
Nobody's gonna stand in my way
Give it up son, I'm doing this my way

You like to think the worst is over now
But you can't breathe at all
You like to think you're owed a favour now
And you've seen it all

Did you... want to... be the one who pushed me off the wall?
Did you... want to... be the one who let me FALL?!

Nobody's gonna stand in my way
Give it up son, I'm doing this my way
Nobody's gonna stand in my way
Give it up son, I'm doing this my way

You can't hold me down
You can't hold me down
You can't hold me down
You can't hold me down

I can't pass up this opportunity
To make myself observed
I can't pass up this opportunity
To let myself be heard

Would you... like to... be the one who sees me lose this all?
Would you... like to... be the one who sees me FALL?!

Nobody's gonna stand in my way
Give it up son, I'm doing this my way
Nobody's gonna stand in my way
Give it up son, I'm doing this my way
Nobody's gonna stand in my way
Give it up, I'm doing this my way
Nobody's gonna stand in my way
Give it up, I'm doing this my... WAY!



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